Biomedical Research

Bringing Innovation to Academic Funding

February 10, 2022

Our Research Award Programs are changing the game by making big and bold investments in specific research areas. Our programs are thoughtfully designed to maximize our impact on both people and projects – and we’re excited to share that our approach is gaining momentum in the biomedical research space!   

The launch of our newest research award program, the Additional Ventures Catalyst to Independence Award, was recently featured in an article by ecrLife and Future of Research, two advocacy organizations that engage and empower early career scientists to improve the scientific research endeavor. The Catalyst Award is an innovative new program that offers substantial financial support and mentorship for senior-level postdocs to transition to independent faculty and jumpstart their own labs. We hope that targeting this critical window in scientific training and career development provides a bridge for passionate, promising scientists to not only stay in the single ventricle field, but to create a foundation for robust personal and professional success in the single ventricle research space.  

For more information about our mutual commitment to investigator-focused support structures that fuel sustainable success in the academic community, read the article here.

The Catalyst to Independence Award program launched on February 3, and is accepting letters of intent until March 17, 2022.

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