AHA/AV Collaborative Sciences Awards

Together, the American Heart Association (AHA) and Additional Ventures (AV) have established the AHA/AV Collaborative Sciences Awards in Single Ventricle Heart Disease (CSAs) to support multidisciplinary, multi-institutional research teams addressing key knowledge gaps in the clinical sequelae of single ventricle heart disease and its treatment paradigm.

We encourage a forward-thinking approach to research that is not constrained by long-held hypotheses and dogma, and that is conducted in an environment of trust. We seek to establish a multidisciplinary network of approximately five teams who are enthusiastic about working transparently in a highly collaborative network – a team of teams sharing related, yet unique scientific goals, who prioritize innovation over safe bets, and who are willing to risk testing unconventional ideas. In addition to generous research funds, the CSAs provide dedicated project management support for granted teams, as well as community development support through all-expense- paid biannual meetings and other networking opportunities.

Who Fits

Each team should consist of two to four members, including co-PIs with expertise from at least two different disciplines: at least one co-PI must work in research directly related to single ventricle, and at least one co-PI must work in a divergent/ disparate discipline and/or without prior focus in cardiovascular-related research. All co-PIs must be independent researchers that hold a faculty/staff appointment.

What Fits

The CSAs are focused on the underlying biological mechanisms and clinical science related to complications and co-morbidities of single ventricle heart disease and the post-Fontan condition to improve the lives of patients. Teams should focus their research efforts and scope on one or more of the following, in the context of single ventricle:

  • Fontan Associated Liver Disease
  • Ventricular Failure and/or Arrythmias
  • Renal Failure
  • Protein Losing Enteropathy and/or Lymphatic Perturbations
  • Mental Health and/or Neurocognitive Delay
  • Exercise Intolerance
  • Factors Leading to Resilience (i.e., super-Fontans)

Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Additional Ventures program staff prior to submitting a pre-proposal. Contact us at grants@additionalventures.org for guidance on program scope, feedback on proposal fit, and any other inquiries.


Award Amount
Up to $2.25M direct costs to be utilized over 3 years



Pre-proposals (LOI) due:
December 19, 2023, 3PM CST


Full Proposal Due (invite only):
March 21, 2024, 3PM CST


Finalist Presentations (virtual):
May 2024


Award Announcements:
June 2024


Anticipated Funding:
July 1, 2024